Have you ever needed to update a YAML document on the fly?
Dasel is making this easier than ever before.
The Problem Space
There have been countless times that I’ve needed to manipulate YAML files from the command line, either because I’m running some kind of automation script or because I need to update a config file whilst running a pipeline.
One such time is in the deployment of this blog.
This blog is made using Hugo and requires a config.yml
file to operate properly. One of the values you can set is an env
which by default is development
. When the blog is deployed this value should be changed to production
- easy enough right?
Well… no. The blog is built and deployed using Github Actions so I can’t just open up the file in an editor and change this value.
Let’s look at how we can solve this.
Using Dasel
Let’s take a basic config.yaml
The line we’re interested in has been highlighted.
You can see that the current value of env
is development
. Let’s use dasel to change that.
You just need one command:
dasel put string -f data.yaml '.params.env' production
The contents of the file are now:
Great! We’re there. The config file now has an env
value of production
Let’s dig into that command so as we can understand exactly what’s going on.
Breaking down the command
So we used the following command:
dasel put string -f data.yaml '.params.env' production
It can be broken down into 4 parts.
dasel put string
Here we are telling dasel that we want to put a string value into a document.
-f data.yaml
This tells dasel which file we want to update. The data type is automatically picked up using the .yaml
file extension.
If you don’t want to edit the file in-place you can pass add -o new_data.yaml
which will write the results to a new file.
This part of the command is called the selector. It tells dasel where to put the value.
This is a basic selector but there are many more that can be used to navigate through complex data structures.
If you want to read more you can do so in the selector documentation.
The final part of the command is the new value we want stored in the config file.
Piecing things together
The first thing we need to do is to get dasel installed. This is easy enough.
Just grab an executable from the latest release.
If you are on linux you can use the following command:
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/tomwright/dasel/releases/latest | grep browser_download_url | grep linux_amd64 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -qi - && mv dasel_linux_amd64 dasel && chmod +x dasel
mv ./dasel /usr/local/bin/dasel
This will download the latest release binary for linux and move it to /usr/local/bin
You should now be able to run dasel --version
and see something like this:
$ dasel --version
dasel version v1.12.1
Putting it into a GitHub Action
This part is simple - just re-produce the previous steps!
This is an example of a finished GitHub Action.
The above action does a few things, but the major steps are highlighted:
- Install the latest dasel release
- Updates the config file so as the hugo site is built for a production environment.
Finishing notes
Release versions
As with any other tool, it is recommended that you use a fixed release of dasel in your pipelines rather than just pulling the latest release.
This will stop you encountering any breaking changes as new releases are pushed out.
Local usage
My example above is within a GitHub Action but there’s nothing stopping you from using dasel locally!
More advanced usage
Dasel allows you to do more than just update a string in a YAML document.
Be sure to check the documentation so as you can use it to it’s fullest potential.